About Us

BES Alumni

BES Alumni was officially registered under the Office of Alumni Relations in 2015 as NUS Environmental Studies Alumni or NUSESA in short. That was also the year NUS saw its first batch of BES graduates.

The fledgling alumni group is growing steadily every year in number and is 100-strong in 2016. Alumni activities are organised by a tight band of four committee members. Activities include teas sessions, volunteering opportunities (mostly for environmental or social causes), and other social events organised by the Office of Alumni Relations.

The mandate of the first EXCO is to establish the group as the de facto place for graduates to build on and forge new friendships, as well as to keep in touch with the NUS community at large. The committee believes that having strong alumni will amplify their impact as a team, as they set out to improve the environment and the society. The committee strives to organise a variety of events to cater to different interests in order to actively engage the alumni members.

As NUSESA continues to grow in strength over the years, the committee will explore new ways of enabling and inspiring the alumni members to collaborate within the group and with other organisations, so that they could expand their network and resources in achieving greater works for the environment.