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Experiential Learning

ENV3102 Field Course in Environmental Studies

Students are given the opportunity to get out in the field and explore solutions to some of the most pressing environmental issues regionally and globally, and to study how the web of political, cultural, social and economic relationships make environmental challenges difficult, but not impossible, to solve. They travel another Asian country, where they examine three core themes (these are subject to change):

  • Tropical deforestation – effectiveness of various rehabilitation regimes
  • Loss of marine biodiversity and coral reefs – impact of marine protected areas
  • Conversation of terrestrial wildlife – the use of ecotourism and flagship species to that end.

A lot of fieldwork is involved. At the end of the trip, students present the results of a group project completed in the field and submit various deliverables (individual field diary and group grant proposal or policy memo) for assessment.

ENV3202A Internships with local / overseas organisations

The organisations that host our student interns during the summer provide a real-world experience for our students, who get to (1) assimilate what they’ve learned in school and apply it to performing valuable tasks in the workplace and (2) acquire hard-to-teach soft skills. We know that this opportunity gives them an edge when they eventually transition to the work force. All students complete a 10 ~ 12 week stint in an organisation, and receive guidance from environmental professionals and BES Academic Supervisors.

LSM4199 / GE4401 Honours Project / Thesis

Students can choose to complete a Final Year Honours Project (Environmental Biology specialisation) or Honours Thesis (Environmental Geography specialisation) to satisfy graduation requirements.