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Environment and Health: Vector-borne and Infectious Disease

August 27, 2013 | Seminars


The Challenge of Dengue and other Vector-borne Diseases in Singapore, A/P Ng Lee Ching Singapore has been confronted by the emergence and re-emergence of several important vector-borne diseases (such as dengue, chikungunya and malaria), which have been driven by impacting global factors such as: the increase in urbanisation; increase in human density; people migration; and improved travel efficiency. Developing scientific expertise, research and surveillance capability for public health is critical. To this end, the Environmental Health Institute (EHI) of the National Environment Agency (NEA) was formed in 2002 to further enhance public health programmes by assessing and developing cost-effective prevention and control measures against infectious diseases driven by environmental factors. Its key mandate is to translate science into operations and policies. EHI was also officially designated a ‘World Health Organization Collaborating Centre (WHO CC) for Reference and Research of Arbovirus and their Associated Vectors’ in 2011, and contributes to WHO’s efforts in strengthening the capacity and capability for the surveillance and control of arboviral diseases in the region.


A/P Ng Lee Ching
Environmental Health Institute
National Environment Agency

Dr Alex Cook
Assistant Professor
Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
National University of Singapore


BES Seminar Series – Environment and Health Vector-borne and Infectious Diseases 27 Aug 2013