Information for Industry Partners

Our Students

Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) students have a strong passion in environment and sustainability and aspire to pursue a career in these fields. Our degree programme offers an interdisciplinary overview of various modern environmental challenges and solutions. They are trained in both Environmental Science and Environmental Geography techniques, spanning areas of Biological Science, Physical Geography, and Social Science. Find out more by browsing through our full course catalogue.

We hope that the internship will provide our students with a better understanding of the environmental and sustainability job sectors. It is also an invaluable opportunity for students to develop skills and relationships that will aid them when they enter the workforce after graduation. 

Internship Programmes

ENV3202A Environmental Studies Summer Internship Programme

This is a credit-bearing course that runs during the summer vacation, which spans May to August every year. The internship should be full-time, spanning 10-12 weeks, and have a strong environmental and/or sustainability focus. This programme is targeted at BES Year 2 and 3 students. More information on this programme is in the subsequent sections on this page. 

Students may also take up internship programmes offered by other NUS departments:

      Takes place during both semester (Jan to May and Aug to Dec) and summer vacation.

      Click to find out more:

      Takes place during both semester (Jan to May and Aug to Dec) and summer vacation.

      Click to find out more: FASS Internship Programme.

      Students may also take up internships outside school curriculum. These internships will not be mediated by any department.

      Internship Posting and Application Timeline

      The timeline below is relevant to all employers looking to hire BES students for internships during summer vacation.

      Dec 2023 –

      Mar 2024   

      Partner organisations to provide information via email correspondence about available internship positions. We will forward the listings to our students as we receive them*. Please direct any email queries to and   

      Students usually start applying for internships around mid-January, so it is recommended for organisations to send in their job listings by February. 

      Interested applicants will apply directly to the organisation.   

      Apr 2024   

      Internship offers should be extended or confirmed before mid-April.   

      If students are taking the internship under ENV3202A, we will reach out to obtain your organisation’s approval before May 2024.  

      (a) 13 May – 2 Aug 2024 (12 weeks) OR  

      (b) 27 May – 2 Aug 2024 (10 weeks)  

      Internship period.  

      *The listings will be reviewed by our department to ensure the job scope is relevant to BES students before they are disseminated to the students.   

      ENV3202A Course Assessments

      We require the internship organisation’s support for our students to complete ENV3202A’s assessments.

      1.      Compliance to your organisation’s non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Students are required to submit a fortnightly reflective journal and final report documenting their experience and learning from the internship. We ask for your assistance to ensure that the contents of their submissions are in line with your organisation’s NDA terms. 

      2.     The intern supervisor’s cooperation in evaluating their work performance. We ask that a supervisor is assigned to the intern. They are essential in ensuring that the intern understands their job responsibilities and role in the organisation. The supervisor should also be able to provide a fair evaluation of the intern’s work performance. The assessment criteria will be sent over in April so that the supervisor is aware of what to look out for during the internship. An e-survey will be sent to you around (1) the mid-point and (2) end-point of the internship. It should be completed within 2 weeks.

      Register with us

      Share your organisation’s internship opportunity with us by emailing the job description to and

      To access a wider applicant pool, we also recommend posting the opportunity to NUS Talent Connect, an online job and internship portal that is accessible to all 40,000 NUS undergraduate and graduate students, as well as alumni. 

      Please follow the selections below to ensure that your listing is visible to our BES students: 

      • For “Position Type”: Select “Vacation Internships – Local (Open to all Faculties)”
      • For “Desired Academic Programme”: You have to make 2 selections.
        • Bachelor of Arts > Environmental Studies (Hons)
        • Bachelor of Science > Environmental Studies (Hons)

      Upon submitting the listing request on Talent Connect, please email us with the Job Title and ID (5 or 6-digit number). 

      Further resources

      To start, refer to NUS’s Centre for Future-Ready Graduates’ (CFG) recommended internship guidelines for employers for information on internship stipend, insurance, CPF leave, and more. 

      For general information and FAQs on internships with NUS (e.g., considerations to account for when planning the internship role, NUS’s internship timelines, and request of internship support letter), refer to CFG’s website or write in to